Tag Archives: networks

‘Network Thinking’ – TEDxBerlin talk

We spend time thinking about ‘social networks’, and happily attend ‘networking’ events. And when we look at networks from a more academic perspective, we explore social graphs, mapping the connections between nodes. And yet, there is much more to networks. This talk makes a distinction between network infrastructure and network flows – the traffic that […]

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1. Introducing The Spread Papers

How do you spread things? How do you spread ideas? How do you spread behavioral change? How do you spread products and services? The Spread Papers is a collection of papers written by Mark Turrell that describe the emergent ‘Science of Spread’. In each paper, Mark develops a concept that underpins Spread, and highlights the […]

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Why Bringing down the Internet + Phone System was a Super-Bad Idea

From a superficial standpoint, it makes perfect sense: “The protesters are using the Internet and mobile phones to coordinate and collaborate. And they are using it to share information with the outside world. And the rest of the people are able to get news from sourced not directly controlled and manipulated by our own pliant […]

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The Domino Clusters – how the world is collapsing

I have done a lot of work on network theory, particularly in the area of contagion. I am preparing a lot more content in this area, based on around three months of work done recently. In the meantime, rather than waiting to roll it all out at once, I thought I would share one of […]

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