Tag Archives: contagion

TedXKrakow: ‘How Things Spread’ – Mark Turrell

How do things spread? Ideas? Behavioral change? A brief run through the fundamental components of spread, and then some unusual examples of how to apply the concepts in oppressive societies – namely Zimbabwe and Libya. Presentation made in Sept 2012 at TedXKrakow and video produced by the TedX team.

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Why Mushrooms hold the Secret to Contagion Ignition

“Follow your peers” “Keep doing what you are doing until there is a compelling reason to change” These are two very important, deeply simple rules of thumb, or heuristics, that help us as humans living in a complex world survive every moment of our existence. Without going into massive depth on the topic, we use […]

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The Domino Clusters – how the world is collapsing

I have done a lot of work on network theory, particularly in the area of contagion. I am preparing a lot more content in this area, based on around three months of work done recently. In the meantime, rather than waiting to roll it all out at once, I thought I would share one of […]

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