Mobile Phone apps for election monitoring – a quick look

I was recently pinged ny a friend who wanted to know what was the latest and greatest in election monitoring software and apps, particularly in places where citizens need to play a much more obvious role in ensuring transparency and the right to have one’s real vote counted. Here is my quick Skype response:

Q: Can you recommend good mobile phone systems for reducing election corruption?

A: – this was widely used in Nigeria but not really software – more of a background page now – often with post-election stuff, the pages get wiped 🙂 same as in Zim in 2008 – good summary and list of people doing most recent things

Cool middle east company – – covered in here

and the classic

One Response to “Mobile Phone apps for election monitoring – a quick look”

  1. I wanted to mention the Free & Fair app, a project that I am spearheading. It is a free, open source (GPL 3), multi-platform mobile app. It uses Google Sheet as a backend so it is really easy to setup for people with limited tech savvy. We field tested it successfully in a partial election in Serbia and are now gearing up for a nationwide election in March 2014 also in Serbia.
    We will have a webpage up for it fairly soon at:

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